Pebble Hills High Marching Band performing
Collage of students participating in various early college, advanced academic academies
Students and community honoring military at Veteran's Day events
Students receiving awards at Horrorfest
Giant check presentation and students participating in showcase
Kade Sandoval collage photo
Students participating in their campus homecoming parades
Students participating in career awareness showcase event
Katelynn Apodaca speaking at truancy summit
Collage of golf tournament action photos
Five Pebble Hills High School Navy JROTC students being recognized
Students with animals in the veterinary technology program
SISD high school marching band competing in March Fest
Pebble Hills High Marching Band performing
Students and parents participating in pinning ceremony
Community participating in health expo
Collage of Mirabelle Estrada
Parents and students participating in wellness run/walk
Students looking at fire truck
Happy students holding up meals on trays