Internal Auditor
Email Jose San Miguel

Internal Auditor
The Internal Audit Department is committed to performing value-added, risk-based audits, designed to independently review, test, and evaluate the financial, electronic, and operating controls throughout the District.
Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It's an integral part of the organization and functions under the policies established by the District. Its objectives are to assist management, by providing analysis, appraisals, and recommendations to ensure the District is in compliance with Federal, State, and District regulations.

Jose San Miguel

Maribel Guillen
Internal Auditor
Curriculum and Instruction
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Hotline
Reporting Options:
Phone: 915-937-0199
Mailing Address:
Socorro Independent School District
Internal Audit Department
12440 Rojas Drive
El Paso, Texas 79928
Call the Hotline to report:
Illegal or fraudulent acts;
Waste of funds;
Abuse or theft of district property or funds; and
Academic Fraud.
When calling the hotline, please provide as much information as possible, to include:
Circumstances of the incidents noted (dates, times, names, places);
The offices and individuals involved;
Location of any available evidence (physical evidence or records);
Names and telephone numbers of credible witnesses; and
Caller's name and telephone number, if you choose to share.
Don't use the hotline to report:
Complaints or grievances involving wages, working conditions, discrimination, and other personnel issues. These issues should be reported in accordance with Board policy DGBA (Local), Employee Complaints/Grievances.
Note: calls to the hotline should be made in good faith to report fraud, waste or abuse rather than matters that should be handled under the school district's grievance procedures.
Your hotline call goes to an answering machine maintained by the Internal Auditors, which will conduct or arrange for an appropriate review or investigation of your complaint. You may remain anonymous, by not disclosing your name, or you can ask that your identity be kept confidential. If you remain anonymous it may be more difficult to investigate your complaint. If you ask that your identity be kept confidential, Internal Audit will protect your identity and disclose it only to the auditors or investigators assigned to review the complaint.