Parents and students participating in wellness run/walk

Elementary and middle school playgrounds and tracks across the district were filled with smiles and laughter on Sept. 27 as parents and families joined students during their physical education classes.

Students, their parents, and family members participated in a districtwide wellness run/walk, an initiative to promote fitness and wellness.

The goal of the event was to get students and families to enjoy exercising together while reminding them about the importance of staying active. Forty-one SISD elementary, middle, and K-8 schools encouraged families to come to the schools for the fun-filled event.

“It’s great to see the widespread turnout in the district,” said Justine Farmer, SISD P.E. and health facilitator. “This was above and beyond our expectations.”

Campuses such as Sgt. Roberto Ituarte Elementary and Sun Ridge Middle School incorporated fun and color into their family wellness walks with color powder and bubbles as families ran and walked the track.

Jazmine Magdaleno, a parent at Ituarte Elementary, said the school’s coaches did a great job organizing the color run/walk and making it fun for both students and parents.

“The emphasis on health and wellness is amazing,” Magdaleno said. “As someone who is really active, it’s great to see that they make sure that our kids stay active and in a fun way. These days everything is about technology, so it’s important to find ways to get the kids out there.”

Mother-daughter duo Alexandra Rodriguez and Kindahl Thompson said they enjoyed the quality time together. Thompson is a fifth-grade student at John Drugan School.

“This is real nice because our whole family supports health,” Thompson said. “It’s fun for my mom to be here with me bonding.”

Rodriguez said the event was enjoyable and she was happy to see the great parent turnout. “I’m out here to support my daughter,” Rodriguez said. “I think if we promote a healthy lifestyle at a young age, then chances are that they will be able to stay healthy as they go into adulthood. I like that the schools are promoting this because it should be done at home but also within the school system.”