Adam Lares new coach announcement collage photos
Nine SISD students selected for 2023 Education in Action Lone Star Leadership Academy collage
Sienna Nuno smiling at campus
Skyward Logo
Students participating in the Spectrum Internship Experience
Erica Olivas and Luz Daniela Palmer portraits
SISD High School homecoming parade action photos
Military family smiling
Student portraits
District of Distinction badge graphic
Students, staff and parents on the first day of school
Community and SISD staff at Eastlake Middle ribbon cutting
SISD staff at convocation ceremony
2023 Socorro ISD NSPRA badges
“Can’t Stomp This” team members receiving gifts
Traversa Ride 360 app logo
Socorro ISD staff celebrating at convocation
Teacher, representative and SISD staff with giant check
El Dorado robotics team working on robot