Mercedes López smiling and presenting

Socorro High School student Mercedes Lopez was recently named a winner in the 2023 Congressional App Challenge.

Lopez placed third in the statewide competition for her Wonder Color App, which helps individuals who are color blind to be able to distinguish color between items by taking a photo of the item and then generating a description of the item color for the user.

Lopez used the MIT App Inventor program, which helps new app creators generate computer applications, to create the Wonder Color App.

“I was extremely delighted that my app was recognized for its potential to help those who are visually impaired, helping to create a difference in our community,” said the high school senior. “More than anything, I was proud to be representing Socorro!”

The Congressional App Challenge is a nationwide competition that encourages middle and high school students to learn how to code by creating their own applications, while highlighting the value of computer science and STEM education.   

“Through many failed attempts and sleepless nights, I was able to turn a concept into a reality that aids people with color blindness in determining the color of an object or landscape,” Lopez said. “I learned that you can accomplish anything if you set your mind and continually work hard.”

Lopez will be recognized by Congresswoman Veronica Escobar during the House of Code Festival in the spring of 2024.  

See how Lopez’s award-winning Wonder Color App works here.