Alan Morales collage photos

Desert Wind School eighth-grader Alan Morales has dreams of becoming a barber, an engineer, and even a quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs one day.  

To make his dreams reality, Alan, an honor roll student, has set his sights on excelling academically and athletically to make a strong impression on the teachers and football coaches at Eastlake High School next year.

He is eager to seize new opportunities that await him at Eastlake, such as enrolling in the school’s early college program, playing football for the Falcons, and giving Socorro ISD’s barbering program a try.

"I want to keep my grades up, so I have good references when I go to high school, and teachers see that I was a good student," said Alan, a football Junior All-Star. "I'm excited to go to Eastlake because of new opportunities, like new classes I've never taken."

In recognition of his outstanding accomplishments, Alan was selected to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the Socorro ISD’s Board of Trustees regular meeting in January.

A student at Desert Wind since Pre-K, Alan has emerged as one of the school's top student-athletes. As the center for the Colt's offensive line, Alan has shown exceptional skill and leadership on the field. His talent was recognized when he was selected to participate in the Greater El Paso Football Showcase Jr. All-Star Mentor Program in December, a surprise that was both unexpected and welcomed. 

“I was happy because I accomplished something that I never thought I would,” Alan said. “Playing center is an important job. I protect the quarterback and give him the ball. It was fun, and I got to experience a lot of stuff being with my friends.”

Alan transferred his athletic skills to the baseball field, where he covered third base for the school’s baseball team. This spring, he plans to give basketball a shot.

“It's been an honor for us to have him as a student here,” said Jaime Perez, the school’s athletic coach. In the eight years that Perez has coached at Desert Wind, he said Alan is the best center the school has ever had. “I wish I could have all my kids as responsible and dedicated as Alan is. He sets that standard for our other kids.”

Aside from sports, Alan has taken advantage of the school’s innovative programs, expanding his interests to robotics and creative problem-solving.

A member of the school’s robotics club for seven years, Alan and his teammates competed in the international FIRST LEGO League robotics competition in Arkansas in 2022 and Boston in 2023, where he put his coding skills into action. His robotics skills will be helpful when he competes in Destination Imagination this spring, where he will showcase his creativity and innovative thinking to solve the competition’s complex problems.

“Alan likes to be involved,” said Assistant Principal Hazel Valverde. “The way Alan is, he always wants to get better. When things spark his curiosity, he goes for it.”

While Alan is excited about high school, he is also proud of being a Colt for the last nine years.

Krisell Armendariz, Alan's seventh-grade science teacher, said his peers look up to himnominating him last year for homecoming king. Alan also plans to give back to his fellow students, mentoring this year's robotics team.

"I like how the school keeps us safe and how they always have good teachers that give us this good education," Alan said. "The environment is very good for us students to be around.

Valverde credits Alan’s success to the impact Desert Wind’s Positive Behavior Support Initiative or PBIS has had on the school’s students and culture.   "I'm glad that Alan feels comfortable here," Valverde said. "I'm glad the teachers provide so many opportunities, and I'm glad that he takes advantage of them and uses his curiosity to try new things."