El Dorado High yearbook students group photo with award

The 2022 El Dorado High School yearbook, themed "Becoming,” earned the school’s journalism students their third National Scholastic Press Association Pacemaker Award in a row.

The NSPA Pacemaker Award is one of the highest and most elite awards in scholastic journalism with only 19 schools nationwide earning it this year.

“I'm so very proud of my students and this national award proves that all of the hundreds of hours they put in each year to cover their classmates, campus and community does pay off,” said Vanessa Martinez, journalism teacher and yearbook advisor. 

The process for determining the recipients of this honor is rigorous with judges looking for superior writing, photography, design, organization and coverage in the yearbook.  

The process of selecting the winners began with narrowing down the list of entries to 44 finalists, who represented the top 15 percent of all entries.

In April, four middle schools and 15 high school yearbooks earned the NSPA Pacemaker award.