
Board trustees, Superintendent, Americas staff and students at ceremony

Americas High School student-athletes, coaches, teachers, administrators, the SISD superintendent, board trustees and district administration celebrated the school’s newly resurfaced athletic field with a ribbon-cutting ceremony Aug. 30 at the school.

The ceremony began with a few words from the school’s proud principal Nancy Torres.

“Like most of you, I have been anxiously awaiting the ribbon cutting of this field,” Torres said. “There are many people that came together to make this possible for our Blazers and I am thankful to have this new opportunity for our students for years to come.”

Blazer Nation was given a special address by one of its own, SISD Board Vice President Pablo Barrera and proud graduate of Americas High School Class of 2003.

“Myself, as well as the other board members, are proud to provide you with this safe and beautiful field,” Barerra said. “I know you all will do great things out on this field and maintain our tradition of excellence.”

The celebration also included the Americas High School cheerleaders and drumline, which pumped up the guests at the special ceremony and added to the excitement for the countdown to the ribbon cutting.

SISD Superintendent Nate Carman, Ed.D., praised the Trailblazers for their athletic and academic achievements and encouraged them to keep the momentum going.

“We do everything we can to help students achieve their accomplishments both in and out of the classroom,” Dr. Carman said. “This is the home of the Trailblazers and we want you to find your voice and achieve your highest potential as you make your mark on the playing field and out in the world.”

Dr. Carman and the board trustees participated in a first throw and first kick with athletes to launch the use of the new field and to bring more pride to the high-spirited campus.

Abigail Perez, a senior and a varsity high jumper for track and field, said she hopes the new turf will motivate her fellow athletes.

“It’s so exciting to be having a ribbon cutting for this new beautiful field and it just makes me feel proud that our athletes will have a safe space to practice and play on,” Perez said.

Samantha Castruita, a senior and goalkeeper for the girls’ soccer team, said the new turf means that the district is aware of what students' needs are, including in athletics.

“Today was very exciting to be celebrating this new field with all the people who showed up,” Castruita said. “This field is so significant because this is where we practice, where we play and where we make memories together.”

Americas High School athletic coordinator and head football coach Patrick Melton,said he appreciated that the community and the district make sure that students have everything they need to continue to achieve their highest potential both on and off the field.

“Anytime we get something new that’s going to support the kids in our community and contribute to their education it's a good thing,” Melton said. “Education is more than just academics, there is a lot that goes into making sure that our kids are safe and successful.”

Published September 29, 2022

Strategic Direction: College and Career Readiness