
Group photo of Dr. Carman and STEAM students

Leading a year of progress, achievements in Socorro ISD

As Socorro Independent School District Superintendent Nate Carman, Ed.D., celebrates his one-year anniversary at the helm of the district, he is keeping his sights on elevating SISD to new levels of success and helping all students find their voice to achieve their highest potential.

Since Dr. Carman’s official start in Socorro ISD on March 15, 2022, he has taken charge to set the district on a positive trajectory toward improvement and continued success based on the solid foundation established in the district. During his 90-day entry plan, he embarked on efforts to engage with stakeholders, review critical aspects of operations and instruction, and examine processes across the district. He focused on community engagement and team building, establishing goals with board trustees, planning for the upcoming budget, and planning for projects, events, and future needs. His proactive community engagement and collaboration efforts set the course for a successful year of progress and achievements that will ensure Socorro ISD realizes its vision of Tomorrow’s Leaders Learning Today.

2023-2027 Strategic Plan

Dr. Carman’s focus to move Socorro ISD forward to greater achievement led to the development of the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan (, a roadmap to ensure the district’s work is in line with its priorities, beliefs, and vision to give all students the equitable and enriching education they deserve.

The 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, which was approved by the SISD Board of Trustees at the Dec. 13, 2022, regular board meeting, will further improve instruction and operational systems to keep Team SISD ahead of the curve for its students and staff to succeed now and in the future.

“I am proud of the work with board trustees, teachers, students, parents, and district leadership to develop our 2023-2027 SISD Strategic Plan,” Dr. Carman said. “The strategic development process was a genuine community collaborative effort to determine where we stand strong and where we can improve to take Team SISD to the next level. I am excited about this great foundation that will guide our daily work over the coming years.”

The priorities and objectives outlined in the strategic plan will direct the district’s actions to achieve student achievement and growth, staff success and satisfaction, community collaboration and engagement, and operational transparency and equity. The plan will be updated regularly and maintained online as SISD works to move the district forward with integrity and excellence.

More opportunities for overall excellence

Upon his arrival in Team SISD, Dr. Carman wasted no time in taking action to introduce more opportunities for students to succeed, to support staff members and to engage the community.

For the 2022-2023 school year, he launched exciting new opportunities for students districtwide and in the El Paso region to receive specialized instruction in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and the arts, along with their traditional core instruction in first-of-their kind elementary academies: Escontrias STEAM Academy and Paso Del Norte Fine Arts Academy. The great interest and success of the academies led to planning for four new elementary academies for the 2023-24 school year: Ernesto Serna Fine Arts Academy, Sierra Vista STEAM Academy, Vista Del Sol Environmental Academy, O’Shea Keleher Childhood Health Academy.

He also introduced holiday tutoring for Algebra I during the fall and winter breaks, increasing Algebra I EOC retesting passing rates at all high schools among the students who attended the tutoring.

With a strong focus on recruiting employees during the 2022-2023 school year, SISD hosted 11 job fairs contributing to 96 percent of the district’s job vacancies being filled for the year. In addition, Dr. Carman supported competitive investments in employee compensation through an annual salary increase, retention payments, and proactive alignment of employee pay with Texas Association of School Boards recommendations. He ensured the district can continue offering premium benefits by identifying cost savings through a new provider and plan structure. The new, robust health benefit plan for employees offers the same or lower rates, a zero-cost coverage option, and a larger network of providers.

In the fall of 2022-2023, he responded to community concerns regarding school bus safety by quickly working to improve systems in school transportation. All students who regularly ride the bus now are required to have their school ID to scan when they ride the bus. The school IDs are used to track when and where the students board and exit the bus.

Dr. Carman also helped double the amount of funds raised for student scholarships through the 2022 Socorro ISD Foundation Excellence in Education Golf Tournament. The tournament raised more than $199,000 and resulted in individual student scholarship amounts being raised to $4,000 each.

Improving procedures for optimal operations

Understanding that student and staff success can only be accomplished when district operations are smooth and efficient, Dr. Carman set to work on refining processes for various areas, including safety, budget, and facilities. He launched a security assessment of middle, high and K-8 schools to review perimeter and lobby safety. He restructured SISD Police Services and added additional officer positions to ensure a higher presence of an armed police officer at all schools. He also initiated a facility assessment to prepare a long-term plan to ensure the district keeps up with students’ current and future needs.

The superintendent maximized implementation of School Health and Related Services (SHARS) to ensure the district is receiving the funds it is entitled to as it assists students with relevant and necessary resources. The district has significantly increased SHARS revenues from $655,000 last year to more than $1.2 million this year. He also engaged district financial and investment advisors to help with long-term financial health and help the district diversify and maximize opportunities to yield an increase in interest earned. Earnings from FY Qtr 1 are triple that of the total from the previous year.

Dr. Carman also initiated an energy retrofitting program to update inefficient lighting and HVAC systems. The new, efficient LED systems at six schools in phase one of the project are guaranteed to save the district over $290,000 annually in energy costs. Phase one HVAC upgrades will be completed at four schools which will increase annual savings. Additional campuses will be retrofitted in the next few years.

Tomorrow’s Leaders Learning Today

Socorro ISD continues to grow and attract families to its campuses with its innovative programs and reputation as a high-achieving district. In the last year under Dr. Carman’s leadership, Socorro ISD saw an increase of 800 students, the biggest increase in the last 10 years.

Dr. Carman and Team SISD welcome all students, parents, and families to Team SISD so they can seize their opportunities now and in the future. With outstanding leadership and a vigilant awareness of student and staff needs, Socorro ISD is moving forward to provide more opportunities for success and greatness.

“I know we can take Socorro ISD to exceptional new heights,” Dr. Carman said. “With our vision to ensure our students are Tomorrow’s Leaders Learning Today, I see a bright and successful future ahead for everyone in Team SISD.”

Published March 20, 2023

Strategic Direction: College and Career Readiness