While HB 5 will impact a number of areas in the Texas Education Code, the new law will significantly change the requirements for high school graduation, graduation planning and state testing requirements at all levels. HB 5 is designed to instill more flexibility in public education by enabling students to either pursue a traditional path into colleges and universities or move directly into the workforce to help fill what business leaders say is a critical skills shortage.
This web page has been developed to help students and their parents navigate the changes under HB5 and plan for high school graduation. If you have specific questions, regarding your personal graduation plan, please contact your campus administration for guidance.
Graduation Plans
House Bill 5 (HB 5), passed by the Texas Legislature in 2013, made significant changes to the state’s graduation requirements. Referred to as the High School Foundation Graduation Program, key aspects include required foundation courses, a selection of endorsement options, changes to the STAAR EOC testing program, and opportunities to earn performance acknowledgments. These standards affect students entering the ninth grade. They replaced the graduation plans referred to as Minimum, Recommended and Distinguished.
Although the state Foundation Graduation Plan has reduced the number of math, science and social studies courses required for graduation, this plan considers the minimum course requirements acceptable by the state. Socorro ISD administration has met with their stakeholders and with their input have decided to ensure that they adhere to their goal of graduating all students "college and career ready" by continuing to require the 4x4. It has been decided that SISD will become a default Distinguished Achievement Endorsement school district.
What is the Foundation High School Plan?
The Socorro Foundation High School Program provides the minimum number of courses needed to graduate from the Socorro ISD High Schools. The plan consists of the 4X4 core and a total of 23 required electives.
What is an Endorsement?
Incoming ninth grade students for the next school year will select an endorsement plan to complete while in high school. Depending on the endorsement area, students will take a minimum of 26-29 credits.