Dr. Alba Nevarez is a Board Certified, Family Practice Physician. She was previously employed with the University Medical Center (UMC) Fabens Clinic for 9 years before joining SISD. There, she gained experience in Diabetes Management. She is a graduate of Socorro High School and taught for SISD following graduation.

Clinic Providers

Alba Nevarez, M.D.

Jennifer Acosta, FNP-APRN
Jennifer Acosta is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner. She was a Registered Nurse for 15 years here in El Paso. She gained experience in ICU, NICU, and the surgical recovery units. The last five years she has practiced as a Nurse Practitioner with another local Employee Health Clinic. Jennifer is very familiar with the special needs of the El Paso population and enjoys working with health and fitness.

Raul Villalobos, PA
Raul Villalobos is a certified Physician Assistant with over 10 years of experience. He has experience in Family Practice as well as a strong orthopedic background. Raul has recently retired after 20 years in the Army. He is a Socorro High School graduation and proud to be back at Socorro ISD. Raul is currently a substitute PA for the clinic.
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