Technology Fees, Library Fines, and Student Meal Purchases will now be visible through MySchoolbucks. Parents will be able to view current charges and pay through the MySchoolbucks site. When setting up your parent account with MySchoolbucks, please include your child’s name and school ID. All technology fees must be paid through MySchoolbucks. If you have any questions on how to pay, contact the campus secretary.
Q: Why is my invoice billing me so much?
A: If your student has outstanding technology charges that have accrued throughout the years, they will be posted in your invoice. Expand your invoice and see the itemized bill. All fees must be cleared in order to receive a device or replacement charger.
SISD Device Charges
Per SISD Policy, the following charges may be assessed throughout the school year:
Laptop Damage:
1st Damage--$40
2nd Damage or Intentional/Excessive Damage--$100
Lost Device--$100 and Police Report
Lost/Missing/Damaged Charger--$25