Smiling students with lunch meals

Several SISD campuses offer supper, snack, fresh fruits and vegetables programs

The Socorro Independent School District is proud to provide free supper, snacks and a fresh fruit and vegetable program at several campuses within the district. The district is committed to serving delicious meals and snacks for students so that they can have the proper nutrition to excel in academics and at afterschool activities.

“Our commitment is to provide healthy, tasty meals and snacks so that our students are well-nourished as they take on their busy school days,” said SISD Child Nutrition Services Director Shelley Chenausky. “We are all in to ensure that our CNS team provides the best breakfast, lunches, supper and snacks to give students nutritious options from the early morning to the late afternoon hours. With healthy food available throughout the day, it ensures that our students will be fueled to succeed in the classroom, in athletics and other extracurricular activities.”

Thirty SISD schools offer an afterschool snack enrichment program available for students at the campuses. The snacks are served after school at various times and days at each campus. Parents may check with their child’s school for serving times/days. The afterschool snack program provides students who stay after school for enrichment programs with a healthy snack to give them an extra boost of nutrition as they continue their day with learning. See listing below for participating schools in the snack program.

Starting October 21, 2024, the supper meal program will be provided at Escontrias STEAM Academy, Ernesto Serna Fine Arts Academy and Desert Wind School from 3:15 to 4:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday. The program, which is part of the Child and Adult Care Food Program and administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture, provides a free afterschool meal for children ages 1-18. Receiving the free supper is as easy as signing in and dining in. Carry-out meals are not allowed due to program regulations.

In addition, Socorro ISD proudly provides the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) at one campus – Campestre Elementary. The program is a federally assisted program that provides free fresh fruits and vegetables to children at eligible elementary schools during the school day. According to the USDA, the goal of the FFVP is to introduce children to fresh fruits and vegetables, to include new and different varieties, and to increase overall acceptance and consumption of fresh, unprocessed produce among children. The FFVP also encourages healthier school environments by promoting nutrition education. Teachers at Campestre provide lessons on various fruits and vegetables, healthy eating, and offer the fruits and vegetables for the students to taste and learn how to prepare them.

“One of the most important things we can do in the district to help Team SISD students be successful in school is ensure they are well fed,” Chenausky said. “We are dedicated to caring for all children in our community like they are family, and we are proud to be able to offer additional nutrition with the supper, snack and Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program.”

Socorro ISD also offers free breakfast to all students. As part of the Breakfast in the Classroom program, all elementary and PK-8 school students, regardless of income eligibility, receive breakfast free of charge. Free breakfast for all middle and high school students in the district continues, as well, through the School Breakfast Program. Parents may check their child’s high school for information on second chance breakfast, which is breakfast served later in the morning to meet the needs of students who participate in sports, band, and other extracurricular activities early in the school day.

Schools that provide the afterschool snack enrichment program:

High schools –Eastlake, El Dorado, Pebble Hills and Socorro

Middle schools – Capt. Walter E. Clarke, Col. John O. Ensor, Eastlake, Hurshel Antwine, Montwood, Salvador H. Sanchez, SSG Manuel R. Puentes Middle, and Socorro.

K-8 schools – Bill Sybert, and John Drugan

Elementary – Benito Martinez, Campestre, Col. Ben Narbuth, Dr. Sue A. Shook, Elfida P. Chavez, H.D. Hilley, Helen Ball, Horizon Heights, James P. Butler, Mission Ridge, Myrtle Cooper, O’Shea Keleher Whole Child Academy, Paso Del Norte Fine Arts Academy, Robert R. Rojas, Sierra Vista STEAM Academy, and Vista Del Sol Environmental Science Academy

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