Join us for our Hueco Elementary Mother & Daughter Barbie Event Date: December 13, 2024 Time: 6pm-8pm Cost: $20, $10 for each additional daughter Last Day to purchase tickets: Wednesday, December 11, 2024
5 days ago, Hueco Elementary School
Pink border, Hueco Elementary Mother & Daughter Barbie Event, images of Pink face profile of a girl with long ponytail and long lashes, pink lipstick, pink perfume bottle, pink pump, pink nail polish bottle, pink cupcake with hearts, pink purse. Text: Date: December 13, 2024 Time: 6pm-8pm Cost: $20, $10 for each additional daughter Last Day to purchase tickets: Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Step into the Magic! Polar Express Movie All students will enjoy a hot chocolate, a cookie, and be given a bell while watching Polar Express. Cost: $5 per student Location: Library Date: December 9, 2024 Time: During the School Day Wear You Pajamas!
5 days ago, Hueco Elementary School
Blue starry background with decorated Christmas Tree on Bottom left and right side of the flyer, Red Train in the middle of the train with Santa Clausa as the conductor. Step into the Magic. Polar Express Movie. All students will enjoy a hot chocolate, a cookie and a will be given a bell while watching Polar Express. Cost: $5 per student, Location: Library, Date: December 9, 2024, Time: During the School Day. Wear your Pajamas.
SISD Employee Dia De Los Muertos 2nd annual Health Expo and 5 K Run and 1 Mile Walk, Nov. 2, 2024 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Registration is free. Event will have wellness exhibitors, live fitness classes, a Kids Zone, flu shots, food trucks, music, raffles, and giveaways. See the flyer for more information.
about 2 months ago, Socorro Independent School District
2nd Annual Health Expo Dia De Los Muertos  5k and 1 mile walk november 2 2024 presented by Aetna
The SISD community is invited to participate in the CNS Advisory Committee to explore menu selections for the 2024-2025 school year. Help us create delicious and nutritious meals that will fuel minds and develop healthy habits that last a lifetime. Email for more information.
3 months ago, Socorro Independent School District
3 child nutrition services employees smiling together
Join us for Grandparent's Day on Friday, September 6, 2024 from 8:30am to 10:00am. See you then!
3 months ago, Hueco Elementary School
White background with pink coloring, green and yellow house with multicolored balloons attached to the chimney, grandpa and child cartoons stand infront of the house, mulitcolored frosted donuts border at the bottom. Hueco Elementary, with Sun logo, join us for grandparent's day, September 6, 2024, 8:30am to 10:00 am.
Back to School Immunization Clinics for all SISD students. See flyer for more details and schedule.
4 months ago, Socorro Independent School District
SISD welcomes military families to an event on August 10 from 9-11:30 a.m. at the District Service Center, 12440 Rojas Dr. See the flyer for more details.
4 months ago, Socorro Independent School District
Eastlake HS military family posing together
Welcome Back Suns! First day of School is Monday, August 5, 2024.
4 months ago, Hueco Elementary School
Black Chalkboard background, chalk drawing of a banner at the top of text, alarm clock on thecenter  left of the text, and backpack on the center right of the text. First day in yellow font.  of in pink cursive font, School in caps  in pastel chalk colors, August 5, 2024 in purple font.
Please join us for our Open House and meet your child's teacher on Friday, August 2, 2024 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm.
5 months ago, Hueco Elementary School
Black chalkboard background with school supply images of scissors, pencil, makers, post it notes, paper clips. Hueco Elementary Open House, Friday, August 2, 2024, 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
7 months ago, Hueco Elementary School
yellow background with light blue notebook, text reads: Hueco Elementary Office Hours, Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 3:30pm
Mother/Son Sock Hop Join us for the Mother/Son Sock Hop on Friday, May 17th from 6pm to 8pm. Tickets on sale now for $20! Each additional Son will be $10. Hueco Students Only! Burgers, Fries, and Root Beer Floats will served. Tickets are on sale with Ms Silvia at the Front Desk.
7 months ago, Hueco Elementary School
Flyer with silhouettes of mother and son dancing, image of music record, and watermark photo of colorful jukebox. Flyer states: Mother/Son Sock Hop at Hueco Elementary School, Theme: 1950's, Friday, May 17th, 6 to 8pm, Tickets $20 (for mother and a son) + $10 for each additional son. Hueco Students Only. Burger, Fries, and Root Beer Floats. Tickets are on sale with Ms. Silvia at the Front Desk. If the mother is not available then a mother figure (grandma, aunt, big sister, etc.) may attend in their place.
Dual Language Academy applications are now being accepted for the 2024-2025 school year.!/welcome/
8 months ago, Socorro Independent School District
Socorro ISD Dual Language Academy logo
Please support our school on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at Chick-fil-a Eastlake Marketplace from 3-8 pm.. Order on the app, drive-thru, or dine-in. Make sure to let them know your there to support Hueco Elementary before placing your order.
8 months ago, Hueco Elementary School
Chick-fil-a eastlake marketplace flyer, community care event Hueco Elementary Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 3-8pm, Support your school & order through your Chick-fil-a app, select Support Community Care Event before submitting your order. Organization code: Spirit, When ordering through Dine-in or Drive-thru, please let our Team Member know the name of your school before placing your order. Image of Standing Chick-fil-a cow wearing sign: Coma mas chikin, Chick-fil-a Eastlake Marketplace, 12141 Eastlake Blvd, el paso, tx 79936, Promotion can only be within your School community before the event. You may greet your community by waving, but no posters will be allowed. We reserve the right to cancel your Spirit night if your members promote on CFA property the day of the event.
Please join us for Parent Cafe on April 10, 2024 from 9 am-11 am.
8 months ago, Hueco Elementary School
Orange flyer with happy family of 4 picture. Parent Cafe, April 10, 2024 from 9-11am, join us for engaging and supportive classes hosted by the Department of Public Health's Equity program. Parent cafes are classes where people can come together and discuss topics that are relevant and maningful to them. Issues such as raising a family, self-love, and enhancing your overall well being are a few things you can learn and share with parents and carefivers at these sessions. Public health city of El Paso logo, For more info. on Parent Cafes call (915) 212-7881 or email
Spanishflyer - en espanol: Folleto naranja con una familia feliz de cuatro, Los Cafes para Padres, 10 de abril de 9-11am, unase a nosotros para clases interactivas de apoyo organizadas por el Programa de Equidad del Departamento de Salud Publica. Los cafes para padres son clases dodnde las personas pueden reunirse y discutir temas que son relevantes y significativos para ellos. Cuestiones como formar una familia, el amor propio y mejorar su bienestar general son algunas de las cosas que puede aprender y compartir con padres y cuidadores en estas sesiones. logo de Public health city of el paso, para mas informacion de los cafes para padres llame al (915) 212-7881 o enviar correo electrónico
April is the month of the Military Child. Help us honor our students by dressing up each day for Military Child Spirit Week.
9 months ago, Hueco Elementary School
Blue background with US flag at the top and bottom of flyer, April moth of military child spirit week: April 1st Military are our super hero, wear your favorite super hero, april 2nd thank you for your service wear red, white, and blue, april 3rd crazy camp day, wear camouflage, april 4th our troops allow us to shine, wear sparkles sequins, lighted headbands, etc., april 5th powered by purple, wear purple.
Hueco Yearbooks on Sale Now! Order yours today to cherish your child's priceless school memories.
10 months ago, Hueco Elementary School
Purple background flyer. They look forward to their yearbook every year! Yearbook price $15. personalized name on cover option available for $2. Your contribution to your child's school year memories is priceless. Please support Hueco Elementary School and order you 2024 yearbook today!. QR code for online yearbook preorders until April 20th. Spanish: esperan su anuario todos los anos! precio: $25, nombre personalizado en prtada opcion disponible para $2. su contribucion a os recuerdos del ano escolar de su hijo no tiene precio. pro favor apoye a la escula primaria Hueco u reserva tu anuario 2024 hoy! Los pedidos en linea del anuario estan disponibles hasta el 20 de april.
Attention Parents, Mandatory Cheer Parents Meeting at Sanchez Middle School on March 21, 2024 at 5:30 pm.
10 months ago, Hueco Elementary School
Black background flyer: Mandatory warrior cheer parent meeting. March 21, 2024 at 5:30pm at Sanchez Middle School Library. Ladies and Gentleman if Interested in trying out for warrior cheerleading. you must attend the parent meeting in order to receive tryout packet. If you do not attend you will not be eligible for tryouts. for question contact Ms. Yanez: or Ms. Sanchez:
Attention Parents and students! Please click on the link below to complete the 5th Grade Transition Information for 2024-2025 school year at Salvador H. Sanchez Middle School. All course requests are due February 9, 2024.
11 months ago, Hueco Elementary School
Join us for Parent Cafe on February 5, 2024 from 9 am to 11 am. Únase a nosotros en Parent Café el 5 de febrero de 2024 de 9 a. m. a 11 a. m.
11 months ago, Hueco Elementary School
orange background with happy family. Flyer states: Parent Cafe, February 5, 2024, 9am-11am, Join us for engaging and supportive classes hosted by the Department of Public Health's Equity Program. Parent Cafes are classes where people can come together and discuss topics that are relevant and meaningful to them. Issues such as raising a family, self-love, and enhancing your overall well-being are a few things you can learn and share with parents and caregivers at these sessions. Public Health City of El Paso. For more information on Parent Cafes call (915) 212-7881 or email
orange background with picture of happy family. Spanish text: Los Cafes para padres, 5 de febrero, 9am-11pm, unase a nosotros para clases interactiveas de apoyo organizadas por el program de equidad del departamento de salud publica. Los cafes para padres son clases donde las personas pueden reunirse y discutir temas que son relevantes y significativos para ellos. Cuestiones como formar una familia, el amor propio y mejorar su bienestar general son algunas de las cosas que puede aprender y compartir con padres y cuidadores en estas sesiones. Public Health of El Paso, For more information on Parent cafes call (915) 212-7881 or email
SISD's Volunteer Sports Program will host orientation meetings for track and field starting Jan. 17. Visit for meeting times and locations. VSP allows Pre-K to 6th grade students in #TeamSISD to have fun, get exercise & experience friendly competition.
11 months ago, Socorro Independent School District
Socorro ISD Volunteer Sports Program logo