Light blue background with blue and white snowflakes on the upper left hand corner and bottom right hand corner. Snowman holding a broom

Heuco Elementary School will be hosting its first ever Sensory Santa Night. During this event we will be providing a calm and soothing experience environment. We will be having all sensory friendly activities throughout the campus from cookie decorating, sensory movie, sensory snow table, snowman craft, and so much more. Please come join us in this wonderful event!

Hueco organizara su primera Noche Sensorial Navidena. Tendremos todas las actividades sensoriales en toda la escuela. Vamos a tener decoracion de galletas, peliculas sensoriales, mesa de nieve y mucho mas. Todas las actividades seran en un abiente tranquilo para que no tengan sobrecarga sensorial. ¡Vengan con nosotros en este maravilloso event!

Hueco Elementary School

Friday, December 6, 2024
