green border with decorated christmas tree, red cup with  gingerbread man, santa claus, snow man, and  red christmas stocking with decorative lights on the bottom border. Title: Hueco Elementary, Countdown to Crhistmas with  Santa Clause holding red sack. Images: Green Garland with red and green stiped chirstmas canes for 'Tis the Season, Polar Express train, Santa's comiing, wear your Sunday's best, image: santa sitting on green chair with  boy sitting on his lap, Rudolph Spirit, iamge: brown headband with black reindeer antlers,  Christmas Socks, image: red decorative Christmas socks, Festive Friday, image: decorative blue sweater, Deck the Halls, image:  white llama with santa cap and light necklace, Tree Topper, image: red santa hat, Christmas Storybook, image: green grinch face and elf, Jingle Bells, image: gold sleigh bell, 'Twas the Night, image: Santa holding red cup with gree pajamas.

Let's celebrate the countdown by joining in on the Christmas Fun!!!

December 5: Countdown to Christmas begins!

December 6: 'Tis the Season-Wear Red and Green to show your holiday cheer.

December 9: Polar Express-Wear a Christmas Shirt

December 10: Santa's Coming-Wear your Sunday's best. Santa Picture Day!

December 11: Rudolph Spirit-Wear you Reindeer antlers or nose

December 12: Christmas Socks-Wear you Christmas socks

December 13: Festive Friday-Wear your Holiday Sweater

December 16: Deck the Halls-Show off your Christmas lights

December 17: Tree Topper-Wear your Christmas Hat (Christmas Program)

December 18: Christmas Storybook-Dress like your favorite Storybook Character (Christmas Program)

December 19: Jingle Bells-Wear your Christmas Bells (Christmas Program)

December 20: 'Twas the Night-Wear your Holiday PJ's (Early Release)