Uniform Tops:
Teal, white, or grey polos with or without the school logo . GOLD POLOS WILL ONLY BE WORN BY PRE-K STUDENTS FOR SAFETY REASONS.
Students may wear jeans with school-sponsored t-shirts on designated days. For your convenience, school uniform tops will be available at different functions on campus for purchase, but you may use a vendor of your choice.
Uniform Bottoms:
Students may wear khaki, navy, grey, or black pants, skirts, or shorts.
Scholars will have a free dress day for special occasions. However, please adhere to the following dress code:
All students will wear respectable clothing free of gang association, alcohol, and drug-related illustrations.
Students will wear pants that fit properly and are not torn or ripped. Baggy pants or bicycle shorts are not allowed.
All students will wear shirts with appropriate sleeves. Spaghetti straps, or halters will not be allowed. No midriffs showing.
All shorts/skirts will be of appropriate length. They must extend the length of the student's fingers at arm's length.
Clothing that is worn must not be a distraction or a hazard to the student's safety. This includes wearing Heely's shoes as they pose as a safety hazard.

Uniform & Dress Code Info.
July 10, 2024