  • Uniform Tops:

    • Teal, white, or grey polos with or without the school logo . GOLD POLOS WILL ONLY BE WORN BY PRE-K STUDENTS FOR SAFETY REASONS.

    • Students may wear jeans with school-sponsored t-shirts on designated days. For your convenience, school uniform tops will be available at different functions on campus for purchase, but you may use a vendor of your choice. 

    Uniform Bottoms:

    • Students may wear khaki, navy, grey, or black pants, skirts, or shorts. 

    Scholars will have a free dress day for special occasions. However, please adhere to the following dress code:

    • All students will wear respectable clothing free of gang association, alcohol, and drug-related illustrations. 

    • Students will wear pants that fit properly and are not torn or ripped. Baggy pants or bicycle shorts are not allowed. 

    • All students will wear shirts with appropriate sleeves. Spaghetti straps, or halters will not be allowed. No midriffs showing.

    • All shorts/skirts will be of appropriate length. They must extend the length of the student's fingers at arm's length. 

    • Clothing that is worn must not be a distraction or a hazard to the student's safety. This includes wearing Heely's shoes as they pose as a safety hazard.